* * * * * * * * * * * * A T T E N T I O N * * * * * * * * * * * * The memory part numbers which GURU generates for this record are for standard non-parity DIMMs. Standard DIMMs work but run slower than parity DIMMs. If you wish to use parity DIMMs please use the following substitution table: 32MB DIMM (standard)=7DM32M/64B-60S (parity)=7DM32P6FX1 64MB DIMM (standard)=7DM64M/64B-60S (parity)=7DM64P6FX1 128MB DIMM (standard)=7DM128M/64B-60S (parity)=7DM128P6FX1 SCSI: DB-25 Serial Ports: 2 Sound Output: stereo 16 bit. ADB: 1 Ethernet: AAUI Machine Gestalt ID: n/a PRAM Battery: 3.6V lithium (Maxell ER3S, Radio Shack 23-026) Minutiae: Upgraded with one DIMM at a time. Can interleave memory for approximately 10-30% faster RAM access. For the fastest speed, sockets A1 & B1, A2 & B2...A4 & B4 should contain identical capacity DIMMs. Serial Port with the phone icon supports synchronous modems, with handshaking on both output and input supported.